Spokane Event - Water Resource Perceptions & Watershed Modeling - Presentation by Melanie Thornton and Kate Tillotson, PhD students at WSU

  • 01 May 2014
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • 1004 N. Freya Street Spokane, WA 99202


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May 1, 2014 Dinner Meeting in Spokane, WA

Water Resource Perceptions & Watershed Modeling 
Melanie Thornton and Kate Tillotson, PhD students at WSU

On May 1, 2014, Melanie Thornton and Kate Tillotson, PhD students at WSU will discuss their research at a seminar sponsored by the Washington and Idaho State Sections of the American Water Resources Association. This program is scheduled for May 1, 2014 at the Spokane County Water Reclamation Center. There will be a meet and greet session with pizza and light refreshments at 6:00 pm. The technical presentations will start at 7:00 pm.

Melanie will discuss her work with Watershed Integrated System Dynamics Modeling (WISDM), which seeks to address water resource sustainability in the Pacific Northwest. Her research is focused on the Spokane River Basin where she is working with stakeholders to understand decision-making and trying to create policy relevant, broad thinking scenarios by using collaborative modeling.

Kate’s research focused on water resource perceptions related to freshwater management. She is building a survey to assess perceptions of water resources in the Spokane area in hopes of better understanding how and why residents are using water the way that they are. Kate hopes to use a GIS platform to assess spatial relationships between water use and water resource perceptions.

If you plan to attend this event, register online or contact Stan Miller (samillerh2o@comcast.net) or Rob Lindsay (RLindsay@spokanecounty.org) so we can get a count for refreshments. 

Event Details:


May 1, 2014

Dinner 6:00 - 7:00

Presentation 7:00 - 8:00


Spokane County Water Reclamation Center

1004 N. Freya Street

Spokane, WA 99202

Students: Free

Member: Free

Non-Members: Free

*Will collect donations for refreshments

Membership is required to register for events.  


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